Saturday, May 27, 2006

Mobile Technology

I've bought a new mobile, the old one had some buttons missing and some didn't work so when I had to put my PIN in I kept getting it wrong. Hilary went to Førde to get the new one with Rowan and Josie. They chose it there fore I have a really cool phone. It a Sony Ericsson 750i, with a camera and everything. Here is a picture of me and Ben at "the book" on Jastadhiea. We've been there 105 times this year. People think it's boring doing the same walk every day but every day is different. It also means I never have to think about where to go, which means I can think about other things like this idea for introduction week. Intro week is a week when all the new students get introduced to things at the college. It used to be much more interesting but we have settled into a rut these past few years. Here is the idea; Instead of the walk up Jasatdheia we have a treasure hunt where all the questions are relayed via a mobile. Each group would have a mobile and a set of books about flowers, wildlife, local history etc. They'd receive questions and instructions one at a time, the answers would be entered via the phone to a database that would then send the next question. Problem is I don't know how to set up the mobile-web-database interface, I'll have to see if I can find something on the web. Pity Thomas isn't here anymore. Saw an example of good use of mobile phone technology in education, a guy in Singapore was doing a lecture on sex education to a group of school kids and the kids were texting questions to him, neat. Raining here at the moment so can't go climbing, hope I don't get fat, maybe I'll save my dissordered eating for another entry.