Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Rømme Graut

Today is 17th May!
If that doesn't mean anything on its own then your not Norwegian. On this day we march through Flekke, listen to speaches and eat Rømme Graut. We got the time wrong today and almost missed the whole thing. Lucky we didn't since Florence was singing a solo (which she did very well especially considering she had to go on stage a few minutes after we got there).
Rømme Graut is a sort of semolina pudding made with sour cream, its is quite heavy but I like it You eat it with cured meats. After two bowls full you can really feel it in your stomach.
I once went to an Indian friends house for dinner, his wife had made a special desert, it was a bit like a wet fruit cake. I had two plates full and asked what was in it, to my surprise it was 5 litres of milk and 4 kilos of carrots boiled for a long time until it only about half a litre is left, I had just eaten about a kilo of carrots and a couple of litres of milk. In bed that night the pudding returned to it's original volume in my stomach, I could feel it pressing on my spine from the inside. I was pinned to the bed by this dense lump of matter sitting inside me, all I could do was rotate my body around it. I think it would be very dangerous to swim after eating this.

Here is the recipe, I found it on, its called Carrot Halwa ;

1 kg juicy orange carrots
1 1/2 litre milk
400-500 gm sugar
elaichi powder (cardomon)
saffron few flakes
few drops orange colour (optional)
1 tbsp ghee


Peel and grate carrots
Put milk and carrots in a heavy saucepan. Boil till thick, stirring occassionally. Once it starts thickening, stir continuously. Add sugar and cook further till thickens. Add ghee, elaichi, saffron and colour. Stir on low heat till the mixture collects in a soft ball or the ghee oozes out. Serve hot, decorated with a chopped almond or pista.

OK I exagerated!


Blogger SpawN said...

Carrots, milk and sugar. I am not much of a cook but that just sounds wrong. :)

But then again, I don't really know what elaichi powder, safron and ghee is, which probably makes a large difference...

9:06 PM  

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