Thursday, August 17, 2006


More meetings and things seem to be moving in the right direction, will be interesting when the students come back to see how some of the ideas are received. Blogs came up as a replacement for the CAS diary (A Clog perhaps) was surprised how few people knew I had a blog, it's not that difficult to find. If blogs are going to be used as a way for students to reflect on their daily life then some people will have to get used to reading things that they don't like reading. If you ask someone to write down their honest thoughts and feelings then sometimes you might not like what you read. I wonder how long it will take before someone is asked to remove something. Have started running with Rowan, was surprised that I could still do it after 8 years with not every day being exactly condusive to honing the running skills if you see what I mean.
I always have a strange feeling the day after doing a really hard climb, I have this internal excitement that no one knows about, a sort of smug satisfaction that I have done something really good, like doing something a bit naughty that you can't talk about. No point in trying to tell anyone they wouldn't understand anyway. I register all my routes on a website ( so at least my climbing friends will know.


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