Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Vesle Daniel

I did my project, the plan worked. Boulder for two weeks to increase power and try again. It's very powerful and dynamic. The exploding powerhouse is back! Vesle Daniel 8a.
I have written quite a few posts about the role of the advisor and today the staff discussed this topic. One suggestion was to have a fixed hourly meeting each week, I must admit I'm not keen on that one. I agree that there should be more possible contact time (for those who need it) but why put it all at the same time. I prefer a less rigid solution that all advisors select their own time. I would personally like to spend an hour or so down in the village maybe visit a room if invited (hint hint). Problem is that as soon as visiting rooms is mentioned some people think of checking up on students, I honestly don't. I just think it might be good to make myself more available and also see a bit more of the student life down there. Replacing the college meeting with an advisor slot was also mentioned (by me). I reckon it would be more efficient dissemination of info. if all advisors got a bulletin that they could go through. It would mean people would have to be a bit more organised though (Might be a good way to make that happen). In the afternoon we talked about this pedagogic platform thing, it's the ideological basis of everything we do here. We also had some small group work trying to come up with some projects to promote cooperative learning. I'm not sure about pushing this team building thing, the satff here is a strong set of individual performers,why should we work as a team when we aren't playing a team game. I'd rather look at the strengths of the group and see how we can make the most of them.


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