Thursday, July 20, 2006

Drygolin Extreme

So much for the exploding powerhouse, Knut did quite a few of the hardest problems without too much difficulty, he's a lot taller than me though (he says with bottom lip stuck out). He also tried a project at Iglekjøn, got quite close but Cato got closer. I got nowhere, I'm blaming lack of hieght and that's that.
Today went to Raudbua, Are Morten held my rope whist I worked the moves on Vesla Daniel. Got all the moves but haven't tried to link them all. It's going to be a brutal but classic 8a. Very powerful undercut moves on a very steep wall with little in the way of footholds.
Have been doing some painting on the house. Bought a high pressure hose which I used to blast off the old paint (as instucted by man in harware shop), went to the paint shop and got told off for using a high pressure hose, it'll push too much water into the wood. So who do I believe. I'm sure I've seen loads of people using these hoses to clean walls before painting. Then got taken for the idiot that I am (when painting is concerned) and got sold the most expensive paint in the world, 1400 Kroner for 10 ltr. I think it was the name that did it for me it's called Drygolin Extreme, couldn't resist it. I mean where do I think we live, In a light house or something?