Landmat is the name of the catering company Are Morten and I are setting up. The name is derived fromLandmark , one of the families who lived in Lilingstoheim where we will be serving food. Although it isn't a real Norwegian word if it was it would mean food from the country which is what we will be making, the slogan could be:
Food fromthis land
Recipes from another
Food fromthis land
Recipes from another
Now we need a logo. I was thinking that we should find an old signature of one of the Landmark family and use the same style but change it from mark to mat. We could also use a picture of one of the old landmarks under the writing, or maybe an outline of lillingstonheim. Not very good at this sort of thing anyone got any ideas?
We have made a rough calendar for the year, the first will be a sushi to start flowed by Crab with fresh bread and real mayonaise. For Desert I'm thinking of Tart Tatin, this is an apple tart baked upside down so the apples caramelise and the pastry stays nice and crisp. An excellent autumnal desert.
By the way, if anyone doubts how seriously the students consider policy cahnges at the college here is a picture of some of them during the last Althing discussion. Is that serious or what?

By the way, if anyone doubts how seriously the students consider policy cahnges at the college here is a picture of some of them during the last Althing discussion. Is that serious or what?

Well Chris, this is relate to personal thinking. I would like to say, how they feel to do this. Are they Optimistic to change it or not ? As I notice the people who doing or working on the new policy, they drink more than the other who is listening or following them. Do you think this is fair for them or not ? To choose the person who drink alot to work on Alcohol Policy ? I don't think it's work 100% at all, but i do optimistic to help and free to share my idea as well, i ain't afraid to say it out in front of them as well, if i have time or good oppunity. Let see about this party is coming and how good it is ? I really hope that it will be a great party ever that i never have before! But one thing i want to mention is 'While we are conscious or not drunk we do can control the situation or know what we are doing, BUT! if we are drunk we totally nothing than lost control and being mad of the alchohol effection. I don't want to talk about this, but i have to open or break the stereotype, the person that you are doing the job with alcohol policy, also broke the rule many many times last year, they drunk in my room and their room and got completly drunk many times during the Cabin Party that what i concern about. I'm sorry for my bad englihs and my long comment but i really want you to understand this and if you need to talk i'm free to talk to you
Dear Reader. I always get very frustrated when some people point fingers at other people. Jesus said many things, one of the more interesting he said was: "He who is sinless among you, let him be the first to throw the stone upon her", so think about this. Have you ever breaken any of the rules at the college? Did you stay in another persons room after midnight? Did you walk to Flekke without a reflector?!
I liked your comment that people working on the policy are also the drinkers, then tell me. Why dont the non-drinkers work on it as well? Is it because the majority of the students are drinkers? because the non-drinkers dont really care that people drink? It was very rare at my two years at the college that the non-drinkers came up with proposals for the policies we discussed.
About controlling the situation? Sometimes when I get very angry I dont think about what I am doing, not even when I am drunk. When I drink one glass or two glasses of wine, I can still control myself. One have to realize that drinking is not equal to be wasted!
A last comment is.
This whole discussion is quite interesting that it takes place on a teachers blog. Is this the right place to discuss this? The last comment mention drinking in the rooms. Have any of you heard about Suxin's blog that got censored?!? Why? Because she wrote abuot drinking on campus. Freedom of expression is a totally different story, so I will stop for now.
I think there was at least one non drinker present at all of the meetings about this arrangement. I admit it was a bit rushed but the first phase had to be in place before the first years arrived. Sopheak, you talk alot about what it was like in the past, what's it like now?
As for a teacher's blog being the right place to discuss these issues, I can see your point but what we are trying to acheive is a community where we can all openly discuss these issues. In the past it has been very difficult to discuss, students were always hiding something, either there own alcohol stash or that there room mate had parties in the bathroom.
It's all to do with the difference between one group imposing a set of rules on another and the whole community agreeing on a common approach. There of course have to be some compromises, Drinkers have to hand in the booze so they can't drink on campus and anti drinkers accept that their room mates might come back after drinking alcohol.
exactly! Comprise! That is a concept that was rarely used doing my two years at the college! Good luck tonight!
i donot know whether the students were comytemplating on the Alcohol Policy or not. Reckon that they were just thinking where they should hide alcohol before any kind of policies issued. Do you think so?
how did the Flekke party go?!
Just posted.
A great success!
We'll be doing it again. Staying up till 4 on duty wasn't that bad either, especially when the students were all so appreciative.
My comment is not really related to the alcohol policy everyone else seems to be talking about here.
I just wanted to mention your logo for the catering thing:
Food from this land
Recipes from another
I think it's hilarious but I wonder, if the people you're organising this for will feel the same... might get offended :D
Good luck with it both ways!
Don't worry we won't actualy use this slogan. Maybe food from the land recipes from the world.
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