Friday, April 20, 2007

First post for a long time

Just a quick post to keep this alive, or revive it from the dead?
Have been doing a lot of work on the book which is to be published by Heineman in december by the way. Managed to write about 200 pages of 1st draft whilst I was off sick with the ankle.
I no longer have the thinnest ankles in the world only the thinnest ankle, the other one is still alot thicker and will probably never get thin again. I heard that whan people take casts off broken bones the limbs are normally even thinner, was hoping for a super thin ankle but it was all swollen.
Haven't climbed or trained for ages, can't get motivated since my ankle still hurts so I know I'd be crap.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

when will it be your second post after such a long time?

11:38 PM  

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