Thursday, November 16, 2006

Practical Jokes

I hate practical jokes. I don't mean jokes about physics practicals, I mean the plastic dog poo type of joke. What's so funny about watching someone think that there is a dog poo in the middle of the sitting room carpet, especially if you don't have a dog. The ones that hurt are even worse, i once swapped a bag of marbles for a packet of joke chewing gum. You offered the gum to someone and when they pulled it out a spring snapped closed on their thumb. I took it home and offered one to my dad and the spring inflicted pain to his thumb. The look of dissapointment on his face at receiving pain rather than a chewing gum was hilarious.. NOT. I just felt really sorry that I had done such a terrible thing. Imagine training a dog like that, heres a treat, snap ouch. So no more practical jokes ever since. Reminds me of a teacher who worked with problem kids in Coventry, he used to play trust games with them. You get them to stand blindfolded on the edge of a table, the rest of the group would stand in front and the kid on the table would fall forward in to their arms. As trust built up they would let him fall further and further until..... splat, they let him fall flat on his face.
Lesson learnt, never trust anyone.
nice one.