Thursday, October 26, 2006


Haven't blogged for ages, was pretty busy at the weekend roasting Lamb fo 42. Made Sushi too but forgot that you're supposed to have soy sauce with it. Guess what, a Japanese lady turned up. Managed to get away with it in a Basil Fawlty sort of way.
Have spent too many hours at the computer and have a got a sore shoulder, not good news the week before going to Font. Looks like is going to be finished, an ex student of mine is opening the biggest climbing complex in Oslo and is going to include a moonboard, hopefully will launch the site when it opens.
Just got an invite to run a workshop in Lyon on the new physics syllabus next march, that should be fun. Got some good feedback on my physics pages, knowing that my work is being appreciated means more then any money I might have made trying to sell it.
The anual trstimonial writing has begun again, problem is I can't stop writing in blog style.

In common with all RCNUWC students John is studying for the IB, that's the exam system we use here. Sort of academics and other stuff made into a package. Not like when I was at school when we just did 3 subjects. Anyway, John is taking four HL and three SL, don't know why he's doing so many HL subjects since three is the norm, must be some kind of masochist or something, if I was him I'd probably stick to three. Suppose it's a good thing really, shows he likes a challenge. Outside the classroom he is actively involved in relaxation activity which is a bit of a strange thing to say, i mean how can you be actively involved in relaxation. So to sum up this student, likes a challenge but knows when to stop.


Blogger sopheak said...

oh chris i miss your blog so much, havent'read it for along time. :)

12:28 PM  
Blogger hairstyle like an atomic bomb said...

Hi Chris - I think this thing about John studying for the IB is a really good idea! Now students won't be complaining so much about the IB! I always thought the amount of nagging we had at RCNUWC was unnecessarily exaggerated - these kids should get to college and then complain about too much work at UWC!
Anyway - this semester has been really great for me - I'm doing Quantum theory and Thermal physics and I really like it actually! Hope your class is as entertaining as ever.

11:43 PM  

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