Friday, November 03, 2006

WWF (World of Warcraft Fund)

Juat packed ready to go to font. Several of the others I was going with have cancelled because they are sick or have too much on at work. I feel sick now as well, I'm not of course but I would still go even if I was.
Rowan has bought a new head set so he can talk to his virtual mates while playing World of Warcraft, I can occasionaly hear him grumbling to someone. Got up the other morning to be greeted by a wonderful autumn day, mist lying over the fjord and a sprinkling of snow covered the feilds. It was one of those sights that makes you stand and stare. I was wondering if world of warcraft players get the same buzz when they come across a particularly beautiful LANscape or see a sunset, Rowan reckons he does. So if the software developers decide to start building hotels in these beauty spots would the players get upset? Would they start to campaign to protect the virtual environment?


Blogger Dilly said...

world of warcraft :) that devoured my life over one winter break. You should ask your son to watch the South Park episode on WOW, I think you can find it on youtube. I reckon he'll appreciate it, like most of the WOW plyers.

2:30 AM  
Blogger sopheak said...

hehe WWF it's better mean World Wrestling Federation originally. I don't play War Craft, but I'm playing Star that is the legend of War Cratf game company

11:11 PM  
Blogger Anicko said...

Great blog, I've been getting updates from here for quite a while and it's hard to avoid falling into nostalgia when PBLs and theme parties are mentioned. Just had a northern re-union up in Finland, that was _cool_ :)
But I have a Q to ask, too: how can I contact RCN staff per e-mail nowadays? Apparently the system has changed? Thanks in advance!
/Anni RCN03-05

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I left a message to be forwarded to you from the info@ email address for your school, but have had no reply. Did you receive this message? Sorry to be mysterious - I'd like to discuss your IB role, and a possible project with you.

Please could you check the info@ mailbox and reply to me from there?

Many thanks


5:33 PM  
Blogger Chris Hamper said...

Hi and thanks.
Yes we have a new system. We're on google mail you have to use the teachers code e.g. ac90cham followed by

I recieved a forwarded message but it was from David. I don't know if this enfo mailbox works anymore. Try me at the address eluded to above (more mystery)

4:31 PM  
Anonymous WoW Gold Guide said...

good post

12:00 AM  

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