Friday, June 09, 2006

New Blog

Blogger has been down for a couple of days so haven't posted for a while. I got in touch with the Greek, hopefully we'll meet up. I've started a new blog, well it isn't really a blog at all it is a bouldering guide to Haugland, I'm just using blogger as a way of posting it. I won't put a link up yest because it's only contains trial stuff at the moment. Tomorrow is that meal I'm cooking at lillingstonheim. It's mainly fish (no mussels yet the guy forgot that we were going to pick them) and seafood, I've made some mayonaise but Are Morten (the guy who runs lillinstonheim) reckons we should get some bought stuff too incase they don't like it. How can anyone prefer bought mayonaise to home made? Also this weekend a climber from Høyanger is visiting to go bouldering, at last someone will appreciate all the hard work that has gone into brushing them. He's pretty good too so it will motivate me to climb harder and maybe do one of my projects, or maybe he'll do them all.
Not many teachers left here now, most leave either with the students or soon after. I can't understand why people put up with living here all winter and then go away in the summer. Apart from the week in Athens I'm staying here. My big project this summer is to bolt up the cliff at Raudbua. For some reason I have ignored it's potential these past eleven years, I abbed down it the other day and it looks very good, some very hard lines over a big roof.
Went to a dugnad last night, this is a Norwegain thing where people do voluntary work to save money or raise money for a community project. I was painting the sports hall. They reckon on saving 60,000 Kroner by doing this. Made me think about the college. How much money could we save if students and teachers painted the buildings? I bet we could afford a new bus. But on the other hand 3 hours was about enough thankyou very much.


Blogger hairstyle like an atomic bomb said...

Hi Chris!
A couple of things:
you'd be surprised how some people are so out of touch with home-made things or natural foods in general. I only heard of organic foods and genetically-modified things when I came to the States, but what was more shocking was that some people prefer the genetically-modified products to the organic ones because "we know more about their effects on the human body";
About the college saving money by having the students paint the buildings - excellent idea and a good one to incorporate on Earth day, for example - as a part of the environmental service, I found that occasion quite inefficient - I mean, of course it's important to clean the gravel from the winter and the cigarette butts, but I think there can be a group painting too. It could also be extended as a long-term project (1-2 months) for the service, rather than some of the other things we did: like the fjord watch, which should take maximum of 2 people (but there were usually more going who end up socializing at the island and wasting more time than needed), or marking the paths (which I hope has been largely finished by now, they started with my second years, and now it should take a few Mondays at most to check that the signs are still standing). I'm sure that some students would be quite happy painting and climbing up and down the buildings.

7:01 PM  
Blogger sopheak said...

Hmm.. chris, just see my blog also , i'm alway here for you to talk to and now Seth and I are in Cambodia it's really hot and nice weather with many many good foods also.

9:25 AM  
Blogger ...The eyes of the world said...

We actually had the idea about the students doing "normal paid jobs", like painting and cleaning on campus in my first year (because of the futher math exams etc), however the staff refused it. Furthermore, they also refused the idea about changing the alcohol in the way that you wrote earlier. You have many good ideas Chris, but I am afraid that one or two people will be against it in the staff and therefore you will not get far.

11:52 AM  
Blogger Chris Hamper said...

I wasn't aware that the alchol idea had been discussed. From what i've heard it has a lot of support. Anyway since it's off campus maybe we just go for it with those willing to give support. Let's see what happens. As for the painting I will ask why parents of kids in dale can paint the sports hall but students can't paint the college.

10:44 PM  

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