Simon Rogers
Went to the dance performance yesterday, very enjoyable. It's getting more and more difficult to be impressed by dance, there's so much of it on the TV that you get used to seeing people spinning on their head and stuff. There was a warning before the show that people with epilspsy should contact the organisers so that something could be arranged. It was because of the flashing lights, what were they going to do, supply a blindfold? There was a boy at junior school called Simon Rogers, he had epilepsy and had to wear a helmet everyday. I wonder if he still wears it, I guess its OK if he turned out to be a biker or something but what if he's a bus driver. People would think it really strange if the driver was wearing a helmet. Wouldn't inspire confidence.
It was quite a cool helmet, blue and silver if I remember correctly.
It was quite a cool helmet, blue and silver if I remember correctly.