Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Computer Programming

Yes, I had a meeting today and it's the holiday! It was an IT meeting looking at what needs to be done over the holiday or should I say over the time that the students and teachers aren't here 'cos it's not holiday for everyone. It's frustrating having so many ideas about how the intranet could make everyones life easier but not having the knowledge to make it happen. I'm starting to wonder if I should start teaching myself how to do this coding business ( I say teach myself because I know I could never sit through lectures on such a boring topic). Trouble is it's not really my cup of tea, the last time I did any programming was at university some 30 years ago, it was horrible. My programmes never worked and they were only supposed to find square roots and plot best fit lines. I would think things are easier now with compilers and the like. I did a very little bit of visual basic in access and that was OK with a compiler. I think I am too sloppy and this isn't good in programming, use the wrong bracket and the whole thing doesn't work. When I watched Thomas at work it looked incomprehensible. I don't even know where to start, should I take a course? Which language? How long does it take? Anyway I want to be a chef. I had a place on a course to be a systems analyst once. I was teaching in an inner city comprehensive school in Coventry, it was so horrendous that I applied as an escape. Can't remember why I didn't go for it but I'm glad I didn't.
Raudbua again this evening to try the first and biggest line through the roof. Also found a new boulder. How come I never saw that one before?
Watched a bit of football yesterday, that Rohaldino or whatever he's called is pretty good. Read in the paper about him, the main point was that he is very happy and smiles all the time. This is obviously very unsual for footballers. It's because they are all so scared that if their team loses they will be blamed, that's why they get paid so much money. Rohaldino is so good he never gets blamed therefore happy :-) The moral is; only do something competitively if you are really good at it.
I did the route at Raudbua;
Tusen Tak 7b
The name is supposed to some sort of Norwegian play on words, Tak means roof and the route is a roof. Tusen Takk means a thousand thanks. I'm going to name all the roof routes like this. I've just got back from a Jacob Sande evening with Flekke school, he is a local poet who is having some sort of big anniversary this year so i'm calling all the routes after his poems. This one is;
Morgon på kobbeskjeret