Sunday, December 17, 2006

So what happened?

Just got back from a weeks climbing in Spain. I see there are a few commets on my last post. Looks like I'm going to have to expand a bit. But first I'm going to get some sleep.
OK, so here we go. I suppose it was to be expected that the board could not agree to all that was going on, the storage of alcohol and handing it out is illegal and since the school administration knew about it then they are sort of responsible. What was happening before (storing in roooms) was also illegal but no one knew about it so that was ok, haha.
The thing that gets me most is the way that some peoples opinion swing with the tide.
At the begiinning of term the whole idea did not get much support.
When it worked fine suddenly people think it's a good idea.
The board dissaprove, people are so glad that we no longer have to live with this bad situation.
So, things can't continue as they were.
The institution can not have anything to do with alcohol consumption.
So it's up to the students.
We have had a good term, we have seen what is possible, now you just have to get on with it.
Good things to continue with:
Keep alcohol out of the rooms.
Enjoy your parties in Flekke.
Look after people when they are drunk.
Don't disturb students on campus when you return after a party.

The Natt Ugle thing is probably ok still but I'm not sure.

It's not pleasant when you think you've done something good and you end up being told off about it.

It's like a kid has just made a birthday cake for his mum. He's waiting in the kitchen thinking about how pleased his mum will be when she sees the cake he's made. Mum walks in ans scolds the little boy for all the mess.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Good whilst it lasted

I want to write something about the boards decision relating to the alcohol policy on campus but I'm speechless.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Hush Puppies

College Christmas dinner last night. I always make sure I get there early since there isn’t enough space to sit everyone in the canteen and I don’t like eating whilst sitting on the floor. It was nice food; it always is on this occasion. Read something on the internet about tides, I’ve always been uncomfortable about Physics text books explanation about this, they always talk about centrifugal force and the like. But I found this website that is basically about misconceptions in physics with many bad examples of incorrect explanations from text books. It has a lot about tides and now I think I understand what they’re all about. Why the big interest in physics text books? All will soon be revealed. I played in a table tennis comp today. I used to play a lot, my dad ran the local youth club so my friends and I would spend all Saturday there. I was quite good but whenever I played in a competition I was suddenly useless. My friend, Paul Toogood (Toog) was really rubbish but he was an only child and his parents took him on a table tennis coaching holiday. When he came back he still looked rubbish but thrashed us all. Toog also had the most horrible shoes any of us had ever seen, we were all glad he had them though because we had a lot of fun laughing at them. They were two tone suede. His mum had bought them for him and he couldn’t get any new ones until he worn them out. That’s why he always dragged his feet trying to wear them out. It took him several years. Good quality shoes hush puppies.